What should you expect?

The case method is an active learning method. It requires students to be highly autonomous and self-responsible. .

In advance of any course that uses case method learning, be sure to:


Adopt a learning mind-set

Motivation, although sometimes more or less conscious, is very important. It lends the necessary impetus to learning. Self-confidence contributes to motivation. Poor self-esteem can prevent you from persevering in your efforts. Good self-esteem also favours the development of combative attitudes in the face of learning difficulties.


Review the learning objectives

Learning objectives help you to target the knowledge and skills you will gain during the course.


Remain alert

... to what’s going on both inside and around you.
If you are unable to control your focus, you will easily become lost and confused in the course.


Take responsibility

... according to the particulars of the situation.


Keep an open mind

... and be receptive to compromise.

Once the course is underway and a case is assigned, you will need to apply three specific skills to take full advantage of case method learning: the ability to analyze (grasp) the case, to discuss it and then to prepare a case report.


Case analysis

Case analysis sharpens your judgment by forcing you to evaluate management situations and make decisions. Often, case analysis resembles a problem-solving process.


Case discussion

With case discussions, the learning process is very different than for instructor-centred lectures.
It requires you to take an active part in all discussions, those in small groups and those with the whole class.


a case report

Case reports present the most significant findings of your case analysis in a coherent and systematic manner. Report writing is different process than doing the analysis. It entails specific steps.

How to prepare yourself for case method learning? 
Listen to Professor Éric Brunelle (Department of Management, HEC Montréal). 

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